Thursday, April 7, 2011

Nokia c3 Game A Dogs Adventure

This is story about the love between a dog and a cat. True love exists everywhere, you know.

One day, Doggie came to the river to catch Kitty's favorite fish as usual, when he saw a leaf with something on it floating down the stream. Doggie picked it up and found two unconscious Ants. But he didn't know that these ants had an evil plan to conquer the world, and they drifted here because their experiment to launch nuclear missiles had failed. The ant's plot soon began to unfold on the island of "Paradise". Kitty went to catch the thieves, but was kidnapped by them instead. The Cabbage Worm witnessed everything and told Doggie. Doggie followed their trace and went on the road to save his love. After rescuing Kitty from the ants, Doggie was told that the ants' plan was to seize the island and build up a nuclear missile base. For world peace, Doggie set out again, going after the ants.

The game has 5 different environments. Your main object is to collect "Hearts" and avoid all kinds of obstacles to save your love. During the adventure, Doggie will encounter many kinds of enemies: "tortoises", "flying fish", "tree stumps", "huge rocks", etc. They are dangerous and must be avoided or attacked.

On the road, you can see many disks, with which you can save your game. When you lose a life, you will restart your adventure from the latest checkpoint. You will see a "Doggie head" as well. After you get it, you can gain an extra life.

The animal world is lovely a personification and full of gorgeous color graphics. Although the game has only 5 levels, you can have highly replayable feelings. The little dog shakes its ears and tails.. Very Cute.

Our hero must first save his love in this "Paradise", and the go on to save the world. For this, your animal friends will offer you some tips during your adventure. When you see enemies, press center key or "5" to charge and release to attack. If they touch you, you will die and lose one life. When you are in front of a river, press center key or "5" to jump. (Here you should not hold the key, or you will drop into the river. )

In a level, after you turn a mechanism on, a huge rock rolls toward you. What you should do is quickly run to avoid being crushed by it, so don't wander around. You must watch out for the traps on the road. It is kind of difficult, and I failed many times under such circumstances. As you are running to avoid the huge rock, you also have the desire to collect more "Hearts" and other items. This may cause such situation: "The loss outweighs the gain." Please consider all the pros and cons.